Hendra: Good afternoon, Miss Erlin. I am Hendra from 2017 English Study Program. I want to do an interview with Miss Erlin related to D4 English Study Program of Vocational College UGM. Would you be willing for me to interview?
Miss Erlin: Please
Hendra: Alright Miss, thank you
Q: How does one become an English D4 Student? Could you elaborate on the enrollment?
A: For the admission of new D4 English students, prospective students can open the url um.ugm.ac.id. Information is provided there regarding the pathway for admission of new students to Study Program IV or Applied Bachelor Degree, namely the track of achievement, UM UGM, and the path of grades.
Q: So what are the benefits of being enrolled in the English D4 study program?
A: The advantage of entering the D4 English Language study program is surely that students will get work-ready skills and experience in the field of English for business communication, especially in the field of public relations and media which is certainly needed in today’s digital 4.0 era. In addition, the teaching staff in this study program also have competency certification in the field of public relations and certainly have English proficiency. In addition to the two advantages above, the curriculum has also been prepared based on English competencies with reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and public relations competencies based on the 2016 Public Relations SKKNI. Before graduating, students have also been directed to prepare a portfolio to take competency certification in the public relations field.
Q: What is the learning model in D4 English Study Program?
A: For the lectures, the learning model will adopt project-based learning that gives real experiences to the students. Opportunities for student exchanges and internships in multinational companies or abroad are also wide open.
Q: Sounds a bit different from the D3 program, right Miss?
A: We are trying to open more cooperation, it is still in the process. The D3 program is also similar to the curriculum, it’s just that the PR content has not been integrated with the language skills. While for D4 we try to integrate the two skills.
Q: Very good and very interesting, Miss
A: Thank you. These are the results of graduate tracer studies and also input from users and alumni as well. So we cooperate with many parties.
Q: Alright, continue to the next question, what are the capacity of students and the number of classes in D4 English?
A: To guarantee the quality of graduates we have a capacity of 60 mas students in 2 classes, so each class has 30 students.
Q: Furthermore, what kinds of courses are offered? Maybe it can be explained so that friends who have seen the list of courses on the website page get an overview of the lecture activities in the D4 English Study Program
A: The courses presented in the curriculum have been arranged based on annual learning achievements. In the first year, courses offered will support first-year learning achievements, namely CEFR level B1 with general public relations competencies, second-year CEFR level B2 with PR Writing competence, 3rd year CEFR level B2 + with Digital PR competencies and fourth year CEFR level C1 with event management competencies.
Q: For CEFR, what is the Common European Framework of Reference for Language, Miss?
A: Yes, CEFR is a kind of guidance that applies to Europe. We use it because our study program is English. There are several levels, can be googling.
Q: For the last question, what about job prospects after graduating as an English D4 student?
A: D4 graduates in English have the prospect of working in national and multinational private companies, consultants and public relations agencies, international institutions, government agencies and ministries, local governments, BUMN and BUMD, and national and international NGOs.
Hendra: Very well Miss, thank you for the time and information provided. Hopefully, the information from this interview can be useful for everyone who reads🙏