The world moves dynamically and brings us to numerous changes and developments, one of which is in the field of technology. The development of technology also has impacts on many sectors, where Public Relations (PR) is one of them, creating a term called “digital PR”. This phenomenon triggers various adjustments and innovation in PR practices. As a study program that focuses on developing students’ PR skills, Bachelor of Applied English SV UGM facilitates the students with courses that can build their digital PR competencies. However, what exactly is the difference between traditional PR and digital PR?
The fundamental thing that distinguishes traditional PR and digital PR is the media used.
Traditional PR mostly uses “traditional” media, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and radio. The PR strategies used in traditional PR include making press releases, reputation management and maintaining good relations with the media and the press or what is commonly known as media relations. Traditional PR is effective for increasing brand awareness or public awareness of a brand because the media used still has a wide influence and reach.
Meanwhile, digital PR uses digital media, harnessing the internet to carry out its strategy. In digital PR, a PR practitioner will utilize different media to execute their strategies. This media might be in the form of websites and a number of social media (Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, WhatsApp, etc.). With digital PR, an organization can also work with 3rd parties to spread brand awareness to the public, such as using influencers, bloggers, and YouTubers.
As the 3rd parties, influencers, bloggers and YouTubers bring the brand-related information through their social media. They communicate the message of the brand in their own language. This way, the message can be delivered to their followers using a more personalized and more intimate approach. Seeing this effort required, PR officers should appreciate these content creators by always maintaining good relations with these parties.
Without reducing the role of traditional PR, in this digital era, we must also consider the effectiveness of digital media in PR practice, especially its ability to intensely reach certain groups through social media. For this reason, Bachelor of Applied English UGM also equips students with digital PR competencies through the “Digital PR” course. (Caca)