Crisis and conflict are things we often encounter in everyday life. We continue to learn to deal with them to become a better individual. However, do you know the impact of crises and conflicts on the professional world? How to deal with them? What is the public relations (PR) role in this matter?
Bachelor of Applied English offers Crisis and Public Opinion Management course. This compulsory subject is offered to 6th semester students. In this course, students are given the opportunity to learn through real cases, besides the theoretical concepts provided by the lecturer. Through this course, students are expected to master the related PR theories and strategies. Other than that, students also expected to be able to apply them to solve a case.
This course addresses crisis and public opinion as issues that often arise in PR practice. This course helps students to see a crisis as something that actually can bring an organization to a higher level, instead of something negative. This course examines the nature of public opinion, the definition of public opinion as well as how they are formed, the theory of public opinion, and also how public opinion can be influenced which then are able to affect policies. Other than that, through this course, students will examine how public opinion exists in contemporary issues.
Those who have seen Emily in Paris series should be familiar with this matter. In one of Emily and Paris episodes, she incorporated public opinion on masculinity and femininity in a brand which then led this brand getting more attention from the public.
Writer: Lintang
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