YOGYAKARTA (YK) – Entertainment events held by Sanggar Dewa Mambang on October 26, 2019, from 19.00 – 23.00 WIB in Triharjo Village, Kulonprogo Regency successfully entertained the citizens there. Sanggar Dewa Mambang is an arts and culture organization in Sewohan Hamlet, Triharjo, Wates. The purpose of this event is to highlight the potential of Kulonprogo and uphold the Kulonprogo Regency to be more well-known to the community.
The event was the peak night of the announcement and screening of the results of a short video contest for high schools / vocational in Kulonprogo. Of course, participants from high schools / vocational high schools who participated in the competition were also present to witness the announcement of the championship. Not only that, this event succeeded in attracting as many as 100 Kulonprogo citizens including guests such as Dinas Kebudayaan Kulonprogo and Dinas Pemerintah Triharjo.
The involvement of students in helping pre until post-activity was in the spotlight. The reason is, this involvement is one of the implementations of the event management course that is taught by Miss Andri Handayani, S.S, M.A. What is expected to be obtained by students is the ability to organize an event, knowing the process of making an event from the start of the program, the performers to the final stage, until at the end of the event will do the evaluation.
What’s more, students of English study programs not only become a committee, but also participate as a performer. Among the performances, there was one group that performed acoustically by bringing two pop songs accompanied by beautiful harmonization and performances from the next group who presented an energetic and cheerful high school dance by using high school uniforms that added the flashback in the event. Citizens and guests seemed very entertained at the Sanggar Dewa Mambang event.
“It was great and an honour for students to be able to go directly to the community especially with entertainment programs which are certainly enjoyed by many villagers there. I as the chief organizer of this event was very proud because I could proceed up to here. My message is to keep up the work together and improve in unity with the community so that students can continue to realize the Tri Dharma of Higher Education “- Dianing, English Language Student, SV UGM 2017.